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Happiest When Airborne!

* Background Art Credit: Nirmala Sankaran
I find airports very exciting.
The thought of being connected to the whole world is fascinating. Long layovers, immigrations queues, airline food and other possible discomforts associated with travel have never bothered me. I feel I was meant to be a traveller and probably that is why I don’t always unpack after a trip! Every time I check in, I get asked ‘how many people are travelling with you’. When I say ‘no one’, some officials have looked at my passport deck and remarked ‘this looks a bible’! In 2017, I took 120 domestic and international flights.
Bella CiaoBindu & Ambi Subramaniam
Jet lag doesn’t affect me much. I discovered this after travelling regularly from Chennai to Bogota, which takes about 32 hours door to door. I usually land on a Saturday evening and begin work on Monday morning. Cities I would never have imagined visiting in the wildest of my dreams are Bucaramanga, Maputo and Ljubljana. When you travel alone, you discover so much just by walking around, observing people and soaking in the local customs. I particularly enjoy seeing graffiti and listening to street music. Another really fun way to wander and get lost is cycling, which I’ve done in Zagreb, Copenhagen and Coorg. The most awesome thrill is when you get upgraded to business or first, especially on a long distance flight!
40 Countries
Misadventures & Bizarre Incidents

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Never Again to

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I Love Iowa
Not Really!

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Says Who There Is No Free Lunch

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Ascend or Descend

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Clogged Loos
"We are sorry to inform you that the captain has announced an emergency landing on water. Those of you who can swim, move to the front of the aircraft. Those who can’t, thank you for flying with Kukula",
~ South Africa's funniest airline
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